Fall Down

One of the interesting (well, to me) things about Milton Keynes is that because it was all done at the same time, there are only about three types of tree (in general) lining all the roads.

The fun side of this is that everything happens all at once – in spring, all the trees are suddenly in leaf.  And of course, come autumn, all those leaves fall in the space of a couple of days.

I suppose it makes things more manageable (so long as the council is organised, which is a bit of a leap, but there we go) in that the street cleaning service has a nightmare week of cleaning all the leaves up, rather than spreading it over a month or so.

Anyway, I only write this because from the look of it, this weekend will be those days.  It’s started to happen already, but I reckon by Monday the trees on all the roads will be back to bare branches.

Winter is coming…

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