Tag Team

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear our animals are in league against us. It’s a fucking plot, I tell you.

Over the last few nights, Hound has been a restless pain in the arse – up at regular intervals during the night, drinking, mooching about, scratching the floor while she tries to get back to sleep. Sometimes it can be fixed by putting her in her cage (where she seems to relax, for some godforsaken reason) but sometimes the only thing that actually works is for one of us to give in and go to sleep in the spare room, accompanied by Hound in her basket.

It’s a pain – and I’m quite sure that certain uninformed people will come up with the normal “Hound needs more discipline” shit in the comments (to which I’ll just say now –  We’ve lived with this, it’s not behavioural, it’s related to her megaoesophagus and OCD issues) – but sometimes it happens anyway.

So we’d had a couple of nights of this, which is always wearing.

Last night though, Hound was fine. It was Psycho Cat instead who took up the “wake the two-legs up every few hours” challenge – this time by puking his guts up in the bedroom. Twice. Followed by yelling and scratching for water.

Hound, on the other hand, woke up and got up each time to check what Psycho Cat was doing, and once the cat-puke (still-warm) had been cleaned up, she went straight back to bed. On each bloody occasion.

I don’t know what the hell I’ve done in previous lives to deserve this current set of animals. But whatever it was, I’m pretty sure I’ve made amends for it now. Haven’t I?


Another dollop of my luck with the car occurred this afternoon.

Coming home, I went past a field where a tractor was towing a grass-mowing implement.

Something (I assume a stone) must have flicked up from the grass-mowing thing, and shattered one of the back side windows completely.

Luckily, I went straight in to the place that owned the field/tractor, and they’ll pay the excess that I’ve got to pay for the replacement glass.

So it could be worse – but it would be better if it hadn’t happened at all.

Ongoing Projects

Thankfully, in light of the previous post, I still have stuff of my own that I can be getting on with. In fact at the moment I’ve got five or six projects ongoing still, which include…

  • Three websites for different clients
  • At least one writing project
  • Two websites I’m writing myself.

So that should keep me out of trouble. That’s the theory, anyway…

No Fools

Just so you know, as per usual, I’m not going to be posting anything “special” for April Fools Day.

I just can’t be arsed.

Post-Holiday Fitness

Once we come back from our break, one of my plans is (yet again) to get back to going to the gym. Yeah yeah, I know, you’ve heard it all before.

Over the last couple of months, while the intention to go has been there, getting round to it has been another thing entirely.

The difference between now and January is that I now want to go – and know I really should be going – it’s just that getting the time to go has been lacking, with house work, work work, and work on dealing with hindrances like [insert epic sweary phrase here] accountants who go bankrupt.

But things should now be calming down a bit more, so with luck I’ll be able to get back into going again.

I need to really – I don’t want to keep on pissing money up the wall when it comes to the gym…

Comedian Blasphemy

If you listen to the media, the writing/acting partnership of James Corden and Matt Horne is some kind of comedy genius.

For once – and I know this’ll come as a shock to regular readers – I disagree. For me, I just don’t find their stuff to be even vaguely amusing, let alone funny.

Gavin and Stacey? Not funny. Not an awful series, but really not funny.

Horne and Corden? Not even in the same country as funny. I’m not sure it’s even in the same continent as funny.

Appearances on Comic Relief? Frankly, I’ve had funnier enemas. Although they produced a similar amount of shit.

And their new film, Lesbian Vampire Killers? I’ll pass, thanks.

I know, in theory there’s the response of “Well, think you can do something better?”. And the answer is no, I don’t really think I can do anything better than their stuff. But the thing is, I don’t claim to be a writer of comedy anyway. If I did, I’d try to have something to show as an example of “this is better”. But I don’t, so I won’t.

Scalzi on Uwe Boll

via his blog “Whatever“, I got to John Scalzi’s column on AMC about why films based on video games are always abysmal.

As he says, “The answer is not just ‘Because Uwe Boll makes them’ although truthfully that is a large part of the answer.”

Scalzi sums it up really in one paragraph.

This was a nice set-up for Boll, since he’s been able to make a nice living playing filmmaker. It wasn’t nice for us, because Uwe Boll makes movies like monkeys drive trucks. Through Boll, the world is saddled with flicks like House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark and Bloodrayne, which all make you want to bleed from the eyeballs.