
This weekend just gone, I was planning to go to Feast in London, but events conspired against me.

I was going to go on Friday, but didn’t even get out of work ’til gone 8pm. It would’ve been at least 9 by the time I got there (by which time I could also have been home), another hour to get back to wherever I’d left the car, and then an hour to get home. And frankly, I was knackered anyway.   So no.

Saturday was never going to happen – I was seeing parents during the day, and getting domestic sluttery out of the way in the afternoon/evening.

Sunday was a maybe. And turned into a no. Work stuff rose up to bite me, along with a general disinclination to travel back into London on a day when I didn’t need to make the journey.

And so I missed it.  I think if I’d been really enthused I’d have made the time/effort to go (as I will with Meatopia at the same place in a month’s time) but everything else just made me think “Blah”.

Of course if I’d booked it in to go with anyone else, things would’ve been different. But I hadn’t, so they weren’t.

And that’s that. I’ll try to go to the next one instead.

Perfect Timing

On a totally different note, why is it that batteries in smoke alarms and CO2 detectors *always* need replacing at 4am?

Bastard bloody things.

Still, at least I now know – not that I had any doubt, and I certainly didn’t need any proof – that I can’t sleep through a CO2 alarm.

(And of course yes, I can now – because I pulled the dead/dying batteries out of the fucking thing)


Another busy week, what with one thing and another. Lots of prospective work, lots of paperwork, and being sociable as well. It’s a tough life.

As it is, it looks like I’ve now got work in from two ex-clients, as well as the ‘proper’ job, and some prospective bits along the way – and there’s still the other prospective bits I want to do for my own company/business.

Other than that, the week has also involved trips to see friends, cinema visits, and tonight I’m in London to see Bill Bailey do a test-run of his new show.

Hopefully the weekend will involve down-time – although I’m not convinced – and I’m currently debating taking a day off next week just to catch up on some sleep and other stuff.

So yeah, back to business as usual next week, I think. Or maybe some updates over the weekend too – depends how things go.


Every so often, I hit a slump – usually through being overly tired, bored, or just feeling a little bit adrift. Sometimes it’s a combination of all three.

That’s where I am at the moment. There’s a lot going on, and there’s been a lot going on. But right now it’s all a bit Meh, a bit flat.

Tiredness is, I know, the primary trigger on all this. For some reason I’m finding it really hard for my bodyclock to fit the new/current schedule, and I don’t really know why. I’ve had to get up earlier than this for work before, and travelled further. But right now it’s still hitting me like a hammer, and this week has been particularly bad so far. (That’s somewhat related to the chaotic and busy weekend, but it’s not that related – and again, I’ve had far worse/madder ones that haven’t hit me in the same way)

In some ways it almost feels like a throwback to the periods of depression, but I don’t think it actually is depression at the moment. It’s just tired, and a feeling of ‘What’s next?’ that seems to be dragging me down a bit.

I’ll get over it, I’m sure. It’s just that right now it’s what’s happening, and it means things may or may not get updated here. We’ll see.


I’m not normally one for sharing what goes on in dreams (or indeed anywhere else in my head) but for once I have a question.

In the name of all that is rational, sane, and comprehensible, what is it meant to signify if you have a dream that involves being chased down empty streets, pursued by a rabid badger, of all things?


Peak Mileage

A good weekend has been had, allbeit with a fair number of miles involved. Nowhere near any of my super-heavy-mileage weekends of previous years, but still not bad.

A very good friend was having her wedding (technically her second wedding, but we’ll gloss over that) up in the Peak District – just outside Darley Dale and Matlock – so Saturday morning was a quick drive up the M1 and up to the venue in plenty of time, so I had a wander through Matlock as well. Sadly, it turned out that Matlock was having Dipshits Day Out, leading to whole hordes of fuckwits in the shops and pub where I went for a drink while wasting time. Ye Gods.

A great wedding (and venue) made the rest of the day really good, along with meeting up with old friends and so on.

Sunday was glorious, and a trip over to see another old friend in New Mills ensued, including sitting out in the sun and putting the world to rights. Then a drive down to near-Oxford to see the parents before they bugger off to the US for a couple of weeks, and then finally home. All told, just over 400 miles in two days…

  • Home -> Peak District (130 miles)
  • Peak -> New Mills (40 miles)
  • New Mills -> Parents (200 miles)
  • Parents -> Home (40 miles)

And then just the usual 40 mile commute this morning as usual!

Changing Hours

At the new contract, my hours are somewhat different to usual. It actually works out pretty well – both for me, and for the business – but it’s rocking my body clock a bit in this first week.

Based in Cambridge, I’m working 7.30 – 3.30. We work with development teams around the East Indies, so when I’m starting work, they’re just finishing – it means we can do meetings without extra hassle.  It also means I’m avoiding all the really crap traffic (although this week is somewhat non-standard, as it’s half-term, and I suspect it’ll be a bit different leaving during ‘school run’ hours in the afternoon)

However, starting at 7.30 with a 45-minute commute means I’m leaving the house at 6.30-6.45, and getting up commensurately earlier. It’s not a massive change, but it’s enough that I’ve noticed it this week. I’m sure I’ll get back into the swing of things though.

In fairness, I’ve left home at earlier times than that though, for far longer commutes (in both time and distance) and getting home much later as well – although I have somewhat got out of the habit of those over the last couple of years.

It suits me for now though. I’d rather do 11am-8pm or similar, which would actually suit my body-clock, but that’s not on offer this time round. We’ll see though.