Scientific Study

Well, another set of scientific study results get filed under “Sherlock, Shit, No.”. According to researchers at the University of Bristol, children in affluent families grow up taller and thinner than those in less well-off families. No, really? What a shocker.

And of course there’s no correlation between an affluent family, and not having to buy “value” food items. No sir. None at all.

6 Comments on “Scientific Study”

  1. Who payrolls these people? And who decides to conduct ridiculous studies about unbelievablyn unimportant things that do not deserve to have studies done about them? Who? Who I say??
    (nice blog by the way – love the yellow)

  2. Gert says:

    Short and fat graduate chartered professional daughter of two graduate chartered professionals, one short and fat, the other with a number of short and fat sisters reporting in for consideration of genetic inheritance, sir!

  3. Scaryduck says:

    As they say on Fark: “Still no cure for cancer”.

  4. Steve says:

    Bollocks – I was the tallest, skinniest and probably the poorest kid on our estate: brought up on a steady diet of chips and value brand beans.

  5. andy says:

    Those studies are important u know! Soz just had to stand up for academia! Although people say that the poorer end of our nation buys tesco value, I don’t, and I’m pretty skint mesen. I buy fresh vegetables regularly because it’s cheaper than buying processed shite (and better for you), takes some imagination to make something decent and healthy not money, and as far as I’m aware, imagination doesn’t cost.

  6. andy says:

    Just further to that previous comment, I budget for £1 per child per day for food when I’m running a camp (yes I do voluntary work with kids), thats 3 meals per day, 33.3p per meal and thats 4p less than the government minimum for school meals. None of them goes hungry, they all eat a fried breakfast and cereal to start the day. With a packed lunch and a hot meal in the evening, oooooo I forgot, they also get supper, make that 4 meals per day (and I dont buy crap for them to eat).

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