
Over the weekend, following on from a comment on here from Chris, I finally got round to making a change to the index page of D4D™ that I really should have made months (if not years) ago. And in honesty, I really thought I had done it years ago. I certainly planned to.

Anyway, the index page now redirects back to here. Which is how it should be, and what it should’ve been doing ages ago.

There are still plans for a redesign of D4D™, which would also involve moving servers to a new home. (That’s also related to another plan for some rationalisation of the number of hosting services I currently use) At that point, this section of D4D™ may change to being the index page of the entire site – so you’d only need , instead of remembering that extra /random – but setting things up in this way now will theoretically make things easier on that score anyway.

Come that time, I’ll be redirecting back the other way, so that anything at /random goes back to the index page. And all will be well.

We’ll see though. It’s a way off yet because like the builder who never completes his own extension, I’ve got enough work on right now that redeveloping/redesigning D4D™ keeps on getting put back.

Maybe I should set a target date, and then just work on thrashing it through. Or maybe I’ll simply let D4D™ keep on shambling along in its current guise for a while yet.

Time will tell.

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