
Yesterday, the news was full of the story about children being taught about domestic abuse in school from the age of five. And while I think the concept in general is OK, I do think it’s flawed – primarily because it shouldn’t just be about how violence against women is wrong. Domestic violence is wrong, regardless of who does what to whom. And that’s what should be taught.

Coupled with that, I think that the £13m that’s going on this project could be far better spent on resources for actually dealing with the problems that exist, rather than trying/hoping to prevent the same problems in the future.

And I have to wonder, what happens when a child’s had a lesson that week about domestic abuse, and comes home to a place where it’s situation normal? What happens if they say they’ve been taught it’s bad, without necessarily realising what danger they could be putting themselves in by asking?

Most importantly, how do children learn that domestic violence is A Bad Thing when it’s all they’ve seen, and all that their experience is based on?

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