
Until this weekend, I’d never even seen a hornet.

This weekend though, we’ve had five of the buzzy bastards in the house, including one which stung me. Not, it has to be said, the most positive introduction to the species.

We don’t know where they’ve been coming from – no signs of a nest anywhere around etc., but they’re definitely making their presence felt.

The sting was kind-of my own fault – Herself told me there was one in the bathroom, and I went in to splat the sodding thing. Being aware that it was a flying buzzing thing, I was looking in the air for it, not on the floor – and so I stood near it, which was apparently enough provocation to the fucker.

I’ve never been stung by one before either, so had no idea what to expect – or even whether I was allergic to the stings or not. (Fortunately, it looks like I’m not) Liberal dollops of antihistamine cream and some ibuprofen later, all’s been OK today. But I can tell you for sure that the sting hurts like a motherfucker.

Hopefully that’ll be my last dealing with hornets. But if they are making a home somewhere close by, it probably won’t be. I’ll be damn sure to be wearing shoes next time though.

2 Comments on “Hornetage”

  1. Nkv says:

    Well at least you didn’t sit on it 🙂

  2. lyle says:

    There is that, I suppose.

    Mind, then I’d have probably been done for cruelty to animals.

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