A Lack Of Tolerance

Sometimes I do wonder if it’s a good thing to have this 100% success rate when it comes to interviews. I know it gives me more confidence to not accept shit from workplaces and the like, and makes me less tolerant of bad situations and setups. If I’m not happy, I just start sending out the CV, get interviews, and know I’ll be somewhere else very quickly.

I don’t see the point in hanging on somewhere when I hate it. I know I’ll get something else with very little delay or hassle, so why hang around?

But does that mean that sometimes I’m just not prepared to take the shitty bits? Maybe. I don’t quite know. This year I’ve had some really shite jobs, and moved on from them with alacrity. Will I look back in a year’s time and think “I wish I’d stuck with that one”? I don’t know. I doubt it, to be fair. There have been a couple of occurrences where I have thought that of other roles in the past, with a lot of hindsight and some remoteness from the situation. But very, very rarely.

I’d like to think I’m pretty good at evaluating a workplace (and colleagues) when I’m there. (On a side note, I’d like to be a lot better at evaluating them like that at interview stage, rather than only once I’ve taken on the job. But well, such is life) I’m pretty sure I’m OK with knowing when a place is just going through upheavals, and when it’s actually a bucket of warm shit.

Maybe one day I’ll regret moving on from somewhere I’ve hated. But at the moment I just can’t see that being the case.

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