
For me (and I know I’m not the only one), meeting bloggers etc is always a somewhat strange experience – you know so much about their lives yet have no idea what they look like, for example. (Unless they’ve posted proper photos, of course)

Even after (ye Gods) ten years of doing this kind of thing, whether through blogging or other internet connections, it’s still something that’s odd yet fun to do. And in my experience people never look like you imagine they will. Regardless of what you imagine, reality isn’t the same.

Anyway, in the spirit of this, I went off last night to see Mike ‘Troubled Diva‘ for his hour on The Plinth as part of the “One and Other” project.  I’ve been reading TD for at least seven years, and he’s one of the few remaining bloggers I’d wanted to meet (the other remaining unmet ones are Gordon, Diamond Geezer, and – um – that’s about it) so being based just up the road, it simply had to be done.

And it was a fun evening – Mike is pretty much what I expected, but it’s still fantastic to finally meet, having read his life over all that time. We didn’t get a chance to talk for a long time – there were lots of people around – but it’s been great to meet, anyway.

2 Comments on “Online/Offline”

  1. Z says:

    What? You don’t want to meet me? Oh.

    I’d have loved to get to London to support Mike too, but had a couple of appointments in Norwich. Listened and watched, though.

  2. lyle says:

    Sorry, Z – knew there’d be some others I’d forgotten about while writing this post.

    There’s Rarsh too, and probably others.

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