Closing a Commitment

In general, I don’t watch loads of TV – and I’m fairly selective on what I do choose to watch. I’m also utterly rotten at binge-watching and spending a day just watching TV.

Taking that into consideration, there’s one programme/series where I break those rules – and it’s Masterchef Australia.  I really like it, for a range of reasons – mainly, it’s *so* Australian, and so unlike any other version of the programme.  The credits are bloody awful, but the rest of it is just something that appeals to me.

On the downside, it’s also frigging huge. This year it ran for 13 weeks, five nights a week.  Thankfully it’s usually only 45 minutes per episode, but that’s still nearly four hours of TV a week, for 13 weeks. That is, for me, a lot of TV.

It’s finished now, and as always it feels like it’s been a slog to get through it. You have to keep up with it, or the backlog rapidly gets insurmountable.

As usual, I’m glad I’ve seen it – but I’m also glad it’s complete, and that this particular drain on my TV time is done.

2 Comments on “Closing a Commitment”

  1. Gordon says:

    Something something why are you watching if it’s a ‘drain’ on your TV time?

    Let it go, let it go!! Sang a Disney princess but, she kinda had a point.

    Nowt you don’t know, but there is a theme over the past few weeks (possibly since the ‘walk’) of ‘having to do’ stuff… might be worth a ponder?

    All said with love and affection, ya big daft cunt.

  2. Lyle says:

    I think that’s more me not using the right words.

    The commitment of Masterchef Australia meant that I watched less of other things (which are still recorded) so it’s more that it created a backlog, rather than a ‘drain’ per se.

    It’s all stuff I enjoy watching, so it’s OK on that score. More just that I feel a bit “behind” on other things (that I also enjoy, and want to see) as a result.

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