
Despite my *cough* years of working with large organisations – and particularly with public sector organisations – I still find it amazing how indecisive those companies can be.

For instance, when I was ‘lucky’ enough to work in Oldham, it took them over a year to decide which CMS to use. It then took them another six months to get everything sorted and working, and all migrated to the chosen CMS.

In the current place, it’s already taken a year to choose a CMS. It’s taken even longer for them to decide on which forum they should be using for another project. That one’s nearer to 18 months already.

I just don’t understand how these things can take so long. Well, I do understand how it takes so long – it’s the why that completely befuddles the chuff out of me. The how involves feasibility assessment matrices, vendor presentations, further assessment exercises, discussions about discussions about processes about discussions about the preamble to the migration process, further feasibility assessments, checking with IT, and business streams, that what we might order is compatible with what they might order in another year’s time, so on and so forth.

It’s just amazing that anything actually gets done at all…

3 Comments on “Indecisive”

  1. Lionel says:

    Now where did that <abbr> go … 🙂

  2. Lionel says:

    I mean </abbr>, of course.

  3. Lyle says:

    Yeah, yeah – fixed it.
    And 😛

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