All Quiet On The Western Front

While there’s been a fair amount going on in current affairs, what with Brexit, Trump, Terrorism, Article 50,  and so on, round here it’s been pretty quiet. (Which is no bad thing – as has been observed before)

Instead I’ve been swallowed up in work, doing stuff for two different clients, plus figuring out some stuff of my own, and the website for my own business etc. etc., which has resulted in the low-to-sod-all quantity of posts here in the last week.

There are things I could moan/write/rant about if I were more in the mood, including

  • Why people leave it ’til the last possible moment to supply really useful/essential work-based stuff, then try to make out it’s my fault that the project is delayed.
  • Why a number of people are incapable of switching off the things they’ve switched on – particularly when it comes to lights etc.
  • How do people live and move so bloody slowly?!?
  • and probably a bundle of other stuff too.

Some of those may still happen, in fairness.  But not this week. I’ve got other stuff to be doing.

2 Comments on “All Quiet On The Western Front”

  1. John Kelly says:

    How about – Why do the people who sit in the middle at theatres always arrive last

  2. Lyle says:

    Oh, that one’s simple – it’s because they’re tosspots.

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