Getting Quieter (Kind of)

As I’ve said before, I’m intending that this quarter (July, August, September) will be a bit quieter than the last six months (OK, at least six months) have been.

It’s not going to be complete radio-silence, because I’ve still got stuff booked in, and things during the week.  But there are empty weekends, and I’m trying to keep them that way.

I won’t deny, it’s a struggle.  I see those blank calendar weekends, and they make me twitchy. I am really bad at not doing much, or not having stuff planned.  I know I need to do less (and I’m intending that there are other things to replace those insanely busy weekends) so I’m working on it. And I’m getting there. Kind of.

The first week of July was a bit quieter – I didn’t travel much on the weekend, for one thing – although I still ended up being out and about more than I’d planned to be.  (It turned out that other friends were helping out with a local event, so it was only fair to go and give a bit of support on that score!) My “I’ll turn up for an hour, and then fuck off” turned into five hours.  So there’s still room for improvement on the whole “not doing much” – but at the same time, I didn’t do much except for talking to friends and so on.

It’s early days/weeks. I’m hoping it’ll work out – but we’ll see.  This coming week I’ve got a couple of things going on in evenings, but then there’s nothing at all lined up for the weekend. That’s going to be interesting…


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