Making Room

One of the ongoing projects we’re working on at the moment is (as Gordon did a while back) ripping all our old CDs onto the PC.

It’s not a quick process – well, it’s not bad, but it’s not super-speedy either- but it’s something that needs to be done. Among other things, it’ll free up some space, mean we can store the CDs somewhere else, and still have access to the music.

However, it does also mean I need yet another new hard-drive. I never did get round to getting another internal hard-drive for the main PC, although I did get the big external one a while back which has been great for backups and the like.

As it is, I’m most likely going to end up getting something of around 750Gb in size. There’s a lot of music still to be ripped, but also it can be used for photography stuff, and all the other projects I invariably have on the go. Plus well, it makes sense to get something with more storage, rather than less.

5 Comments on “Making Room”

  1. farmer_dave says:

    i use my pc as a music player now, ive not made or brought a cd for ages, i dont even play cd’s in my car either when i had 1 i brought myself a 500gig external hard drive last year and iam quite happy with it but it did take a while to rip my cd’s on the pc but was well worth it

  2. Still Skint says:

    What happens when (not if) the HDD goes wrong? I’m hanging on to my CDs.

  3. Lyle says:

    When the HDD goes kerfut, I’ve also got the backup external HDD. If that also goes kerfut at precisely the same time, I’m slightly stuffed – but do still have the original CDs for most things. Well, except everything I’ve bought at iTunes or EMusic.

    But then, if I backed up everything to DVD storage as well I’d still need 10+ DVDs to hold the data.

    So what else would you suggest? I’m currently debating a NAS box as well- but I haven’t decided for sure.

  4. farmer_dave says:

    same as me ive still got my cd’s in a box in the loft also ive backed them upon dvd’s as well so any probs i should still be okay, i could go even thurther and make back ups of dvd’s just in case

  5. John Kelly says:

    Not sure how you intend to play them but it’s well worth checking out the Squeezebox (or Transporter if you are feeling flush)

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