Yes, it could be a bug…

(via The Daily WTF)

4/7/2008 13:22 GMT;BENJAMIN;
Checked power connections and power to outlet. Monitor is on but not
computer. Checked power button on computer's power supply, user states
there is not one. Re-seated power connections, computer turned on for
about 3 seconds and turned off. Details:

Machine Name - DHO00MXL643843
User ID - 99321
Display Name - Burleson, Stephannie
OS Name - Microsoft Windows XP
Service Pack - Service Pack 2
Serial Number - MXL644493
Admin Access - Y OUSite - MN999-EAGAN-ETC

Assigning out per SW, setting pri3.

4/7/2008 14:09 GMT;MAURICE A;
User called for a status because her supervisor wants her to head to
the office if it will be more than an hour ; user will bring the
computer in with her if she has to go into the office

4/7/2008 15:11 GMT;ROBERT J;
contaced Stephanie and she had just finished carrying her pc downstairs
and loaded it into her car.since it is already loaded shi will go ahead
and take it into the Plano Parkway office and I will contact her when
she gets there. I am also contacting Jorge Alvarez, 2nd hat , to alert
him to expect her

4/7/2008 16:22 GMT;ROBERT J;
Jorge is picking up her pc and will connect it for testing

4/7/2008 18:21 GMT;ROBERT J;Jorge in Plano reported that this pc is
packed full of roaches so bad that they took the pc outside, did not even
want it in the building, and took the hard drive out. He will copy the users
data over to a share and i will copy the data to the hot swap pc which they
want to give the user as her new pc. They are going to bag and seal the
other pc and scrap it, as they do not want it in the building.

4/7/2008 19:14 GMT;JORGE H;
cleaned pc. Yikes! connected HD to our pointsec pc, assisted in transferring
data. Had cust test pc.

4/7/2008 20:34 GMT;JORGE H;
I would like to publicly thank Terry for helping me clean out and exterminate
all (I hope) the roaches from this computer, which has been quarantined in an
air-tied bag. NOTE: I hope never to see anything like this ever again,
however from now on I will be more careful when opening computers!

Just Yuck.

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