Laptop Decisions

I know I’ve written about this before (on a couple of occasions, to be fair) but it does now look like my laptop is seriously dying.

In fairness, it’s just under three years old now (Bought it in mid-September 2006) and in that time it’s been heavily used- lugged around from Bracknell to Cambridge for three months, used between Attleborough and Cambridge for another eighteen months all told, used daily at home, taken on holidays, and now being used a lot in London. In that time, it’s spent most of the travel-time rattling round in a backpack, sharing space with all my other daily junk. So it’s been beaten within an inch of its life – the CD tray is cracked and just about unusable, and there’s a few other knocks, scratches and cracks.

They keyboard has been ropy for a while, but now it’s badly interrupting my typing flow when I have to beat the shit out of certain keys ( A, U, M and N, for example – non-essential keys all. *ahem*) in order to get a response out of them.

Finally, it’s beginning to wheeze a bit. During this week I’ve had a few instances where it’s lagged massively, just from the stuff that’s been running at once. I know, I could run less stuff at once, but sometimes that’s just impractical – I’ve been using it all, so I’ve needed it.

And as such, I’m thinking that it may just be time for getting a new laptop. It needs some thinking about, but the need is becoming stronger, for sure.

4 Comments on “Laptop Decisions”

  1. Gordon says:

    Do it now, before the price hike that Windows 7 will bring (the vendors WILL up the price for no good reason other than to cash in).

    Windows 7 is pretty solid and WAAAYYY better than Vista.

    Ohh wait, are you going to buy a Mac? 😉

  2. lyle says:

    That’s roughly what I was thinking.

    And No, I’m not buying a fucking Mac. I’ve enough in my head at the moment without trying to learn another OS from the ground up, coupled with a certain reluctance to pay *again* for relevant bits of software (like CS3/4). So far the only reason I’ve really found for going Mac instead of Windows is Scrivener. And that can’t justify it either.

  3. Z says:

    Gordon’s right (well, of course) – do it now. It’s giving you fair warning that it will die at the most inconvenient time if you don’t do something about it.

  4. Blue Witch says:

    Do it before the end of the year to avoid the price-hike that will undoubtedly happen when VAT goes back up.

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