Progress, or Lack Thereof

This time last year, this was the list of what I wanted to do in 2009/10…

  1. Mortgage renewal
  2. Build up own business
  3. Design/Launch some of the sites I’ve got ideas for (I know, that’s an ongoing thing – but different sites/ideas this time, as always)
  4. Write more – I want to get at least one solid piece done. I failed in 2009, but it’s still a plan for 2010 instead.
  5. Photograph more – again, I’ve got some ideas for big projects on this, I just need to get started on them.
  6. Lose more weight – I want to lose at least another stone in the next year, and ideally more. But a stone will be the target for now.
  7. Get to the gym more – something I’ve really slacked on this year
  8. Do some business planning, and figure out (to some degree at least) what the fuck I want to do next with my life.
  9. Get back in touch with (and visit) various friends I’ve been useless with for the last couple of years.

So, how did I do?

  1. Yeah, didn’t do the renewal.
  2. Still working on that, allbeit slowly
  3. I did launch a couple of new sites over the year, but nowhere near as many as I wanted to. Mind you, I’ve also culled out a number of the ones that aren’t going to work out, too.
  4. Certainly written more, along with submitting a couple of small pieces to competitions and the like.
  5. Photography hasn’t been so successful. I haven’t had the inspiration or motivation as yet – there’s been a number of things I have done, but not what I was planning to do.
  6. Lost weight – I’m down a stone on where I was, with the intention of losing more.
  7. I didn’t get to the gym at all
  8. I didn’t really do much in the way of business planning, although equally I’ve had enough to keep me going over the year.
  9. I got in touch with friends, saw a few, and then went back to being crap.

All told, not a great year for achievement. Stuff’s been done – just not as much as I wanted to, and/or not in the sections I planned it to be.  All told, it’s a bit of a worry, with the culmination in a year’s time of that five year plan – but then, there’s been lots of change in that five years, if I look back to where I was when I started it. So I can live with that – there’s been progress, work and change, they just hasn’t taken me along the path/road I expected them to.

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