Wheeled Danger

Over the last two weeks, I’ve been commuting into one of London’s busiest main-line stations, Euston.  It has a huge throughput of people, and it’s always an absolute pig to navigate.

It’s not just the sheer quantity of people – although that doesn’t help – it’s also the crap they lug about with them. One of the banes of my life at this point is one I’ve written about before – fucking bastard wheeled suitcases. I swear I don’t get the need for them a lot of the time. Sure, if you’re travelling onwards or whatever, I suppose they’re useful. (Although I’ve never had – or wanted – one myself) And yes, I know, I can’t tell who’s travelling onwards, and who’s just an inveterate ballbag.

But in my opinion/experience, dear God, the fucking things should be banned outright. They’re not a danger in and of themselves, but they certainly are when they’re under the ‘control’ (and I use that word in its loosest possible context) of fuckwit owners. In a similar way to umbrellas, the owners thereof seem to be utterly unconscious of their extra dimensions – increased width with umbrellas, increased length with fucking wheelie bags – and assume that everyone else will get out of their way. (If they’ve even thought about it at all)

For myself, I got whacked by fucking wheelie suitcases on a regular basis, and I’m currently now nursing a twisted/twatted ankle as a result of one of those collisions, where the person had walked in front of me (with space to spare) and not realised their cunty fucking wheelie shitty suit-bastard-case was trailing behind. So I got caught up in the piece of shit, and it ripped into my ankle. Which, frankly, fucking hurts.

It will come as no surprise to regular readers, but sometimes (OK, most of the time) people really piss me off.


2 Comments on “Wheeled Danger”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    I am guilty of using a shopping trolley on occasions – because I just can’t physically carry bags these days. But, I am (despite, also, my visual limitations) more than aware of those around me.

    I also use a wheelie suitcase, but I don’t use public transport if I can possibly avoid it, because of, yes, people, especially those with wheelie suitcases…

    I got spiked by a held-behind long umbrella the other day: person carrying it pointed out behind them turned round and it hit into me. Owner said to me, “Oi, be careful!” I said, “You’re lucky I’m not going to sue you for assault!”

  2. lyle says:

    I get that with people who physically can’t carry stuff, and I don’t object to that at all. However, I find it hard to believe that roughly half the people in Euston at any one time are physically incapable, and aren’t just inveterate ballbags with the social awareness of an autistic cactus.

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