
Every so often, I hit a slump – usually through being overly tired, bored, or just feeling a little bit adrift. Sometimes it’s a combination of all three.

That’s where I am at the moment. There’s a lot going on, and there’s been a lot going on. But right now it’s all a bit Meh, a bit flat.

Tiredness is, I know, the primary trigger on all this. For some reason I’m finding it really hard for my bodyclock to fit the new/current schedule, and I don’t really know why. I’ve had to get up earlier than this for work before, and travelled further. But right now it’s still hitting me like a hammer, and this week has been particularly bad so far. (That’s somewhat related to the chaotic and busy weekend, but it’s not that related – and again, I’ve had far worse/madder ones that haven’t hit me in the same way)

In some ways it almost feels like a throwback to the periods of depression, but I don’t think it actually is depression at the moment. It’s just tired, and a feeling of ‘What’s next?’ that seems to be dragging me down a bit.

I’ll get over it, I’m sure. It’s just that right now it’s what’s happening, and it means things may or may not get updated here. We’ll see.

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