
Another ‘Daft Product‘…

I love the idea of a set of dessert mousses, and have a company called Hipper to produce them.

And then, you can have the advertising slogan “Have a Pot o’ Hipper Mousse”.

Yes, I really do need to get out more…

Motoring Music

Another for the ‘Daft Products’ thread

How come Audi have never come up with the brand “O” for their car stereos?

It seems like a no-brainer to me, to be able to say “Car music provided by AudiO”, and the “AudiO Speakers” etc. etc.

Daft Products 1

Occasionally, my idiot brain will spark up with ideas about products, brand names, advertising slogans and the like – I don’t know why, but they occur.  Until now though, I’ve never bothered to write them down – mainly because a lot are daft.

However, it does occur to me that it might be an idea (if only to provide evidence of who thought of this crap first) to write them down for reference, and give them a category of their own.  And here it is…

So.   The first one – and one that I don’t understand why it’s never been done – is for toothpaste.

Tuba Toothpaste, to be precise.

Think about it – it seems so obvious, yet it’s never been done.  I wonder why?