Political Contacts

via Twitter/TwitPic, another fine example of why politicians should never ever be allowed to control the internet, or access to it…

Contact details for Labour Party in Linlithgow and Falkirk, with a super-long URL, and errors on Twitter and Facebook names

How not to do it.

So a few pointers…

  1. You really expect your voters to type in www.linlithgowandeastfalkirklabour.org.uk ? Get real.
  2. And separate sites for each constituency? Really? I guess joined-up communications and corporate message just kind of got by-passed.
  3. A hotmail email account? For politicians? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. (Mind you, the actual site doesn’t even appear to list proper email addresses, and just uses a contact form)
  4. It really helps to have the proper names in your Twitter and Facebook contact details. Not “site.com/yourname”. FFS.

And these clueless fuckers are indicative of the type of politicians who brought in the Digital Economy bill? Jesus H. Christ on a shiny metal bicycle.