Ongoing Unwellitude

Thankfully it’s not been non-stop Unwell, but everything’s taken a long time to finally start sodding off.

I was doing OK at the time of the last post, although the cough hadn’t quite Fucked Off yet. That stuck around for the next couple of weeks – not entirely surprisingly, as I was (against advice) busy and doing stuff, and not giving my body a lot of time off.

Then last weekend (the 8/9th of June, if anyone’s counting) I did a day-trip to Manchester (see above about not giving myself time off) for a restaurant visit. (Which was excellent, and well worth the trip)   My table companion had been doing a lot of air travel and so on, and also had a similar cough to me.

I *think* that what happened there was that I picked up a second blast of what had already hit me. Or, if not the exact same thing, then at least bloody close to it, but different enough to get past any already-set-up immunity.

So this week was a kind of return to how I was a few weeks back. It didn’t mess me up *as* much, but still left me with a couple of very rough days.

It seems to be back in abeyance now, and hopefully that’ll also mean that this dry cough has a chance to piss off as well. We’ll see.

3 Comments on “Ongoing Unwellitude”

  1. Blue Witch says:

    No comment 😉

    (was that the comment in the sealed envelope?)

  2. Lyle says:


  3. Blue Witch says:


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