GP Follow-up

This afternoon, I’m back at the GPs, finding out the results of blood tests, and getting the blood-pressure taken. Well, that’s the plan, anyway.

I’ve also asked for a couple of specific tests, as they’re issues that run in the family.

  1. Blood-sugar  (Well, fasting blood sugar) levels for Diabetes
  2. Thyroid levels – there’s been thyroid issues for at least two prior generations of my family
  3. Cholesterol – I figured I might as well get this while I’m at it.

I’ve no idea what the results will be, so it’s going to be interesting to see what they are.


Food Diary

In the run-up to the start of 2013, I wrote a little bit about the goals (well, they’re more like guidelines) I’ve got for the year. I’m keeping it pretty simple, although there’s lots of other stuff under those main points. For the moment I don’t plan to share the sub-points, because they’re not actually of much use to anyone except me.

Anyway, as part of the “Weigh Less” goal, I’m starting to write a food diary from today. Obviously that’s not all of the plan, but it’s a good starting point for establishing what I’m doing, and what needs to change.

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to do this with the help of Dragon, and to be able to help him with his training for being a PT by doing the initial food diary, analysis and plans with him.

I’m going to see how it all goes, and I’ll write more about it as time goes on.

Along the way, as well as getting results from the GP (including that missing blood-pressure test) over the next couple of weeks, I’ve also invested in some proper weighing scales, including body-fat.  Much as I like the idea of them, I didn’t go for one of the Withings or FitBit ones in the end – £100 for scales is a bit much, and while I like the idea of keeping those records and graphs online, I can do the same thing by myself, either locally or on RunKeeper etc.  Besides, seeing those updates from other people on Facebook and Twitter pisses me off in the end, so I don’t want to do the same to other people.

Instead, and on a recommendation, I’ve gone for these scales from from Omron, which do everything I want them to.

So – progress is being made. I’ll be interested (and probably depressed) to see the initial figures, but I’m thinking/hoping that they’ll provide me with more impetus for going ahead with the weight loss.


And so – a new year. (Again)

As per many years previously, I don’t really do New Year Resolutions, they’re not my thing.

So my plan for 2013 (as written about very briefly back in November) is pretty simple. It’s not resolutions, just a bit of a plan, and that plan can be summed up thus…

  1. Weigh less
  2. Write more.

And that’s it.  There’s other stuff along the way, but that’s the two key points, really.

Anyway- have a good one. I certainly hope to do so.

Closing Out The Year

Today proved to be a day for getting things done that I hadn’t got round to doing for a while. The full list is ineffably dull (as these things usually are) so I won’t bother with the full thing. Suffice it to say, it’s been a pretty productive day.

The real key thing though is that I’m now registered with the local GP – I don’t need to be, per se, but well, I figure it’s better to be registered than not.

As longer-term readers of D4D™ know, I bloody hate GPs in general, but still, it’s better to be with a local one, rather than the one in Suffolk I was registered at.

Anyway, all told it’s a decent way to close off 2012, getting a few things off the list of stuff that needed doing.



The End of 2012

At last, we’re at the end of 2012.

It’s been quite a year, all things considered. I’ve written about that elsewhere, so don’t need to repeat myself really.  Suffice it to say, it’s been eventful.

As it is, I’m closing off 2012 with no debt, and with the groundwork done to start building back up from. There’s a long way to go – it won’t be done in 2013, I know for a fact – but the basics are done, and now it’s “just” the building back up.

I’m not planning any big changes for 2013, to be honest. I’m happy with work – yes, I did just say that – and so long as things don’t change too radically, I hope to be there for the full year. (And even I can’t believe I just wrote that) I’m as secure as possible in the house, the tenancy goes through to November for sure.  Of course, things can still change when it’s rented property, but it’s as safe as it can be for the moment.

So the basics are as safe and stable as I can make them for the moment. I’m not planning anything major changewise – 2013’s a year to get myself sorted, and to deal with myself rather than dealing with anyone else.

I feel pretty optimistic about it, to be honest. I don’t know all of what it’ll bring – who can? – but regardless, I think/hope it’s going to be a good year.

Getting Back

In conversations (and D4D posts) last week, I realised it’s now more than a year since I’ve been to a concert. I’ve eased off on them over the last few years, partly through getting a bit pickier following some that were pretty bad, and partly just through a lack of available time and finances along with venues not being as easy to get to.

Manchester was fantastic for getting to/from gigs, and had plenty of good venues as well. Bracknell was less good, and Norfolk/Suffolk were a pain in the bits.  From the new place, it’s likely still London (although there’s also other smaller locations which aren’t too bad) and what with one thing and another it’s not been great for booking tickets.

Anyway, I’d thought I’d make some changes, and this weekend has meant that’s started – my first gig in 14 months will be in Janurary, seeing the Cowboy Junkies (yet again) , this time at the Barbican in London.

And I can’t wait.