Ten Years Back

This weekend there’s been a bit of a “ten years ago” meme going round social media, and while I won’t get involved (mainly because I don’t do photos of me, let alone photos of me from a decade ago) it did make me go back to the archives here and have a look at what was going on.  Which was quite interesting (to me, anyway)

Ten years ago, I was still with Herself, we were in the Norfolk house, and sleeping abysmally while also sick as chuff with a chest infection of sorts. So, some things never change. I was working in a local-government job I hated – and the post about that was exactly ten years ago today – and generally doing OK.

I did also find a post about my weight – and again, not much has changed. I’ve lost a bit of weight since then – which I’m happy with – but all told it’s really stayed pretty stable. (There’s another post back in Jan 2005 about the same thing, with similar figures to where I’m at now)

Of course, there have been a lot of changes in that ten years, but it’s also interesting to see what’s stayed much the same…

Already Scheduled

Because I’m still a lunatic (despite clearing some projects off the list and so on) I’ve also just been looking at what I’ve already got scheduled for this year – and as usual, some of it is daft.

There’s one week in February that’s looking particularly silly, as it already includes

And that is in just one week. *sigh*

Apart from that, most things are a bit more spaced out – but I’ve still got things in the list now until mid-November, what with plays, concerts, food festivals, and a walking marathon.

There’s just no hope for me, really. Daft to the core.

Clearing The Decks

One of the things I’ve been working on over the last month or so is finishing off some outstanding projects. Happily, so far I can say it’s been pretty successful.

I’ve been able to complete two web things that have been hanging around for a while – there will be more stuff to be done in the future on them, but right now they’re in a state where I can take them off my list.

I’ve also been able to get back into another couple of things that I’d like to get done, and that are some of the key parts of plans for 2019, so that’s feeling pretty positive two.

Of course, me being me, there are also a couple of other new things that I want to do, and now I’m at a point where I can at least make the initial steps and plans for those as well.

It’s been a good start – now I just have to keep on going in a similar direction. Only time will tell how I do on that score.

Starting The Year

And so, Happy New Year. Another orbit round the sun, and as is the tradition, some thoughts about what’s coming.

As usual, I don’t really do resolutions – particularly not New Year’s ones.  I do a list around my birthday, which can be found here, but I’m thinking about some changes this year as part of that as well.

One of the things that will change a bit is that I’m going to put more into sorting out routines for things, rather than necessarily just looking at the goals themselves.  There are a couple of bits on my list where it’s about “I want to have done [x]”, and that’s fine.  But more of them are about “I want to achieve [y]”, and while I’ve always had the intention, the actuality has evaded me.

Last year I got pointed at this article about creating systems rather than setting goals, and it rang a major bell with me.

All told, I’m in a good place to get started on this stuff.

I’ve just completed version one of a project for another contact, and I’ve done pretty much all I can on it until they get back to me with final information. It’s a working version, although I’ve had to replace some of the functionality/information I’m waiting for with automated processes for the minute. But I’m happy with where it is, and it’s now out of my brain, which is A Good Thing.

Of course, it’s immediately been replaced with another project – this one something that’s important to me as well – which I want to work on sooner rather than later.

So, Happy New Year. Onwards and upwards, etc. etc.

And as one of the Doctors would say, “Allons-y!


Closing The Year

And so we’re at the end of 2018. And as such, it seems apt that the last post of the year should be a quick assessment and overview.

All told, it’s been a good – and busy – year.

There’s been more travel than usual, with that week in Toronto to add into the bargain.

There’s been more work, but also more fun times, trips out, meals, etc.

I’ve been doing a lot of work on weight-loss which has ultimately ended up not doing much – but I have more knowledge, more figures, and the steps I’ve taken have improved my health, strength, stamina, and resilience. They’ve just done sod-all to lose actual weight. But I’m OK with that, and it’s something I’ll continue to work on.

On the downside, I’m ending the year with a bit more debt than I’d like. It’s nothing earth-shattering, nor even major. A fair chunk of it is for tickets for things in 2019, of which another decent chunk is owed to me by others for their tickets. But all the same, it’s more than I’d like it to be.

However, in a fit of progress and being grown up, it’s also now all in one place, with zero-interest ’til 2022, and it’ll be done by the end of 2019.  I could do it even quicker if I wanted – and I may do so – but it’s all under control, and I’m OK with it.

There are, as always, things I haven’t done – no matter the good intentions, they just haven’t happened. I’ll continue to work towards those things, and I’m going to write more about that tomorrow.

All told, it’s been a positive year, and I’m feeling pretty good at the end of it.

Seven Days

Just think – this time next week, Christmas will be all over, and we’ll be starting to see the adverts for holidays, and stopping smoking.

Days will be getting (slightly) longer, and we’ll be over the worst.

Two weeks’ time, and we’ll be in 2019 and seeing what that brings.

How time flies when you’re having fun, eh?

Easing Up, and Planning/Preparation

From here on, the rest of this year is considerably calmer than the rest of it has been.

I’ve no more overnight stays away, and while I’m still doing stuff, it’s to a lesser degree than before. And about time too.

While it’s easing off, I’m also working out what I’m doing – and what I want to do – next year, which is entertaining.

As usual, I’m trying to not fill things up too much for the coming year – although there’ll be enough stuff to keep me going.

But for now, I’m going to just enjoy it being a bit quieter, a bit calmer, and hopefully just catch up on some downtime. Hopefully